Bombshell! Even If Buhari Dies Tomorrow, Osinbajo Will Never Be Nigerian President – Northerners Threaten

Bombshell! Even If Buhari Dies
Tomorrow, Osinbajo Will Never
Be Nigerian President –
Northerners Threaten

The Chairman, Council of Ulama of Jama’atu
Izalatul Bidi’ah Wa Iqamatus Sunnah, JIBWIS,
Sheik Sani Yahaya Jingir, has called for a fresh
election, in the event of the death or
incapacitation of Nigeria’s President,
Muhammadu Buhari.
This call came as Buhari last Friday, hinted that
he would be going back for further medical
check-ups in the coming weeks, after spending
not less than fifty days in London, over an
undisclosed illness.
He stated that the present arrangement as
contained in the Nigerian Constitution, where
the Vice President takes over, should not be the
Jingir spoke in Bauchi, at the Matriculation of
the students of Sunnah College, Bauchi.
The Cleric, opined that the present arrangement
had opened an avenue where the President was
exposed to uncertainty, while his Vice was
confident of becoming President, whether
Nigerians liked him, or not.
“If this arrangement is maintained as it is, it will
pose a lot of political uncertainties and security
threat to us as a nation.
“We elected the President as the President. If
he dies or incapacitated, there should be a fresh
“If this anomaly is not addressed, then we are
not secured, because a dishonest Vice President
may work against him to get his seat.
“Is the right to personal opinion guaranteed in
our Constitution? Then this is my personal
opinion,” he said.
Sheik Jingir also faulted the arrangement where
all the 36 States produce 3 Senators each,
regardless of their land mass and population,
noting that in such places, the bigger and
populated States are at a disadvantage.