By Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers

Having studied from all fronts the way the
geographical location under heaven known as
Nigeria has skewed its governmental policies
against the people of Biafra, I have decided to
make this clarion call which is inspired from the
ancient throne of the Most High to all Biafrans
with this declaration that "It is now or never to
restore Biafra". Chukwu Okike Abiama the
supreme, sitting on the ancient throne has
revealed to me the planned conspiracy of
Nigerian state against the noble people of Biafra.

A revelation which came during the quiet time of
my yesterday’s weekly prayer for Biafra
restoration and Nnamdi Kanu's release. There is
a dreaded conspiracy from invading forces of
terror to completely conquer our posterity in
future and install Emirs in Enugu, Onitsha,
Igweocha, Aba, Owerri, Calabar, Uyo, Asaba,
Yenegoa, Warri and many other cities of Biafra.
I know that many spiritually myopic readers of
this publication will mock this revelation from the
ancient throne but that does matter to me at the
moment because ignorance is never excuse to a
potential danger or doom coming to people but a
revelation like this can avert it.

I want to bring to the notice of all Biafrans a
story from the Bible where Abraham saw a
famine coming and instead of fighting the famine
to overcome it for his children and grandchildren,
he rather cowardly chose to dodge the dreaded
famine in Egypt. The famine stay back and meet
Abraham son called Isaac and he also cowardly
dodged it as well in Egypt. The same famine
which eventually developed an untamable wing
also met Abraham's grandson Jacob and his
children and took them as captives to the same
Egypt for 430 years. It is not gainsay that this
was a famine that Abraham would have settled
one and for all but due to cowardice, he failed to
do the right on time to the detriment of his
children and grandchildren.

May I tell our people that this is no longer time
to play ostrich in face of looming danger facing
our children & posterity? Biafran elites of today
may have just like the Biblical Abraham under
reference chosen to dodge the present economic
famine, academic famine, infrastructural famine,
industrial famine, labour market famine, security
famine, political offices famine and all round
social and natural famine bedeviling Biafra land
in your respective Egypts of Lagos, Kano, Jos,
Kaduna, Ibadan, etc, but ask yourselves what is
the future of our children and posterity going to
look like in Nigeria? It is now or never for Biafra
restoration is the wonderful conclusion of the
revelation from the ancient throne.

My greatest regret in this life should be to grow
old and die without the restoration of Biafra. My
greatest joy is that our fathers in 1967 - 70
refused to be cowards like the biblical Abraham
when they refused the refuge of Egypt but
decided to take their destiny in their hands by
declaring the restoration of the noble ancient
nation of Biafra. Although, our then brave fathers
later relinquished the sovereignty of Biafra to the
alien forces of terror led by Britain, USSR,
Nigeria, Egypt and their global military allies
which laid siege of our people and land but it is
on record that our then fathers led by Gen.
Odumegwu Ojukwu, Gen Philip Effiong, Col Joe
Achuzia, Prof Chinua Achebe, Alexander
Madiebo, Mr. Okokon Edem and many others
stood their ground and fearlessly challenged the
artillery fire-power of these world powers for 30
months with bare hands to the amazement of
the world. Our fathers were never cowards, so
our generation can never be cowards.

The reason why Nnamdi Kanu De Great, the
leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is in
unlawful and extrajudicial detention in Kuje
prison is because he said verbatim that it is now
or never for Biafra restoration. The reason why
many youths are dying in the hands of Nigeria
jihadist armed forces today and many still ready
to die should that become the supreme price to
pay is because they unanimously declared that it
is now or never for Biafra restoration.
I want every Biafran whether politicians,
clergymen, business moguls, sports men &
women, academia, traditional rulers, etc to know
is that if we fail to restored Biafra now, our
posterity are doomed forever.

 It is cultural to Igbo Biafrans in particular that it is better for
them to die for the safety of their posterity than
to live and be sighting a calamity coming upon
their children. Now is time to team up with
Nnamdi Kanu to restore Biafra for the safety of
our unborn children even if it warrants joining
him in Kuje prison.

 No Biafran at the moment no matter how highly placed or lowly considered will
mischievously feign ignorance of the evil agenda
of the grand children of Uthman Dan Fodio
against the noble people of Biafra at the
moment. A word is enough for the wise!