My Problem With Nigeria As A Country - Dr. Val Ozoigbo Speaks Out
Two kids were born August 31st, 1980, one in Kano (Jubril) another in Enugu (Emeka). They got to primary school in those areas and got to Primary 6, now the twist begins.
They both took Federal Common Entrance, Emeka scored 168/200 and Jubril 16/200. For some silly quota system, they both ended up in the same class at Federal Government College, Enugu (FGCE). Emeka continues to come 1st-3rd in the class of 30 and Jubril 25-29th/30. 6 years later, WASCE and JAMB were taken. Emeka had 6As and 2Cs (WASCE) and 286/400 (JAMB) while Jubril had 5Cs and 2Ps and 106/400 in JAMB. Again by a warped and weird stroke they ended up in the same Law Faculty in University of Nigeria, Enugu campus.
5years later Emeka graduated with 2-1 and Jibril with a Pass! Emeka is done with Law school at Abuja - No Job after NYSC. Jubril as soon as he gets out of Abuja Law school then one year NYSC gets a job as a Magistrate at the Federal Magistrate Court Abuja, 2 years later he is promoted as a Judge.
Emeka still struggling, decides to join some Trio Igbo Law outfit in Abuja as a junior lawyer. 5 years later he is still carrying files and coming to defend low level cases at Jubril's court.
Now, you are Emeka or Emeka's relative, kit and kin, will you want Nigeria to continue like this. No way! That's the problem with Nigeria as it is. It's strongly skewed to the advantage of a particular ethnic group in Nigeria and cannot continue. Plain and Simple!!!!
Then one day Emeka finds his way to Canada or England, he immediately thrills them with his brilliance and in less than 5 years he becomes a full fledged Professor. That's what Nigeria is doing to the Igbos.