(A source has disclosed the new strategy of Nigerian government to blackmail the people of Biafra; the source further disclosed that Nigerian government has recuruited thousands of people who are against Biafra and non- Biafrans to flood intent and start attacking officials of various institutions who have sympathy for Biafra.

The intent contractors are  saddled with the responsibility to  haul insults and make derogatory comments against international officials with UN, US, and EU officials their major target.

The insult (attack) will be systematic that the officials will wiew it as comming from Biafrans; sometimes attacking them for not wading in or speaking out in support of  Biafra)

Apparently worried by the growing international sympathy  for the people of Biafra beyond the shores of Nigeria;

Nigerian intent contractors have launched  a systematic  attack against international officials  of different institution.

The contractors disguise as members of Indigenous People of Biafra to rain insult and make derogatory comment against Un and US officials.

Recently; Nigerian government had tried to skyrocket the  prince of data Nigeria to see if Biafra influence on social media can be minimized but it faced strong opposition from Nigerians who argued that such move was to deny freedom of internet based press/ news syndicates.

When the effort to skyrocket data price failed; Nigerian government through her  military openly warned that they would start monitoring  social media and would sufficiently clamp  down on thoee found insulting  or making derogatory statement against the government and the person of Muhammadu Buhari.

The effort to gag freedom of speech and cow critics with threats hit the rock and till date; social media remain a fertile ground for peaceful Biafra activities.

Internet had played a remarkable role in making sure that atrocities committed government of  Muhammadu Buhari was brought to the notice of the world and thus clustering sympathy for the people of Biafra who have been under state sponsored terrorism, religious and rthnic cleansing.

As source has disclosed new strategy of Nigrian government to  blackmail the people of Biafra; the source further disclosed that Nigerian government  has recruited thousands of  people who are  against Biafra and non- Biafrans to flood  intent and stsrt attacking officials of various institutions who have sympathy for Biafra.

The internet contractors are saddled contractors are saddled with the responsibility to haul insults and make derogatory comments against international officials with UN, major taget;

the insult (attack ) we  be  systematic that  the officials will view it as coming from Biafrans ; sometimes attacking  them for not wading in or speaking out in support of  Biafra.

Speaking against this approach;  a prominent Biafran activist - Facebook user- Nwachi Okike  decried the  move could sabotage the effort of the people of Biafra so far.

He urged the officials in question to understand that IPOB are law abiding people  who believe in fairness and equity and respect  peoples' opinion even when against them.

He further argured that Biafra embraces reason and argument and not insult.

"US government officials  and the world  at large should know that IPOB is not violent, we do not attack or insult people even  when we disagree with anybody on any issue.

We are law  abiding citizens of Biafra; we adhere to the principles and guidelins given to us by our able leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu which anchored on respect to other people no matter where they come from, color, gender and otherwise.

To always be  peaceful, and also always believe in equity and justice.

We urge UN officials, US  government officials  to please understand that those that attacked UN and US government officials are not IPOB members but Nigerians government agents of destruction paid  to tarnish the image of the most peaceful freedok fighting movement on the face of  earth (IPOB).

They were paid avatar accounts to sabotage(IPOB ) name.

Thank you for your understanding and God bless" Nwachi Okike said on behalf of  IPOB.